Sports England Funding

Posted on 25th June 2020

The Sport England’s Community Emergency Fund has awarded sports and multisport activities £26,961,235.  Equestrian is the 8th biggest single sport to be awarded funding with a total of 102 awards totalling £561,680 with the average award £5,507.

ABRS members have been successful in being awarded grants from the Sport England’s Community Emergency Fund.  Twelve have received awards totalling £90,155, with an average award of £7,513.

This fund is currently paused and so applications are not being accepted for the time being.

However, there are a couple of further Sport England funds that you may be interested in:

Innovation call for innovative solutions to address those underrepresented in sport and impacted by COVID-19 – specifically focussed on women, older people, those from BAME backgrounds, disabled people – deadline is 1 July.  More information can be found here:

Active Together Crowdfunder Scheme – this is match funding for centres/ clubs/ branches/ groups facing short term difficulty.   They would need to crowdfund in the usual way and then this could be matched by up to £10,000 of Sport England funding.,to%20the%20ongoing%20coronavirus%20crisis

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