
01403 741188


Blenheim Business Centre, Smithers Hill, Shipley, West Sussex RH13 8PP

Opening Hours

W/C 17 June
Mon-Wed: 0900-1400, Thurs: 1000-1400, Fri: ansaphone only

W/C 24 June
Mon: ansaphone only, Tues-Wed: 1000-1400, Thurs: 1000-1400, Fri: ansaphone only

W/C 1 July
Mon: ansaphone only, Tues-Wed: 1000-1400, Thurs: 1000-1400, Fri: ansaphone only

W/C 15 July
Mon: ansaphone only, Tues-Wed: 1000-1400, Thurs: 1000-1400, Fri: ansaphone only

Company Details

The Association of British Riding Schools is a Charity Limited by Guarantee Registered in England number 3186520 | Registered Charity No. 1158748

Registered office: Blenheim Business Centre, Smithers Hill, Shipley, West Sussex RH13 8PP

The ABRS+ can be contacted in a number of ways, we endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 24 hours. Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in-touch.

© 2024 The Association of British Riding Schools. Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 3186520. Registered Charity No. 1158748

Website by Yello