ABRS launches membership services for Livery Yards

Posted on 1st October 2020

The Association of British Riding Schools is delighted to announce the launch of a new dedicated membership pathway which recognises and promotes the high standards of livery yards. The decision to expand membership to include livery yards came following a number of focus groups, run in conjunction with LiveryList.

Acting Chair of the ABRS Jane Williams said, “The focus groups bought to our attention that many livery yards find it difficult to fit into other membership models which has left them feeling quite unsupported, especially during 2020 which has been testing for all”

A large number of our existing riding centres offer a livery service so the expansion is a natural one, fits perfectly with the resources and our values of promoting the highest standards while supporting our members.

We are looking forward to welcoming livery yards of any size from any sector to the ABRS and being able to support them and their business.”

Cheryl Johns, Founder of LiveryList said, “The new livery yard scheme from the ABRS will undoubtedly be a welcome addition enabling yard owners to understand and promote best practice and management of their yards and facilities.

It will also allow education of horse owners across the country as to the important aspects they should be considering when choosing a livery yard.

The scheme will offer much needed support and recognition to yard owners, and peace of mind to horse owners that all approved and certified yards within the ABRS scheme offer a high standard of care and welfare.

ABRS Livery Yard members will be able to display their own unique ABRS plaque assuring existing and potential new clients that they offer a quality service alongside the highest standard of care.

ABRS members will enjoy benefits including representation at national level, access to advice and support through regular discussions with Trustees and Advisors, visits if needed,  a helpline, a regular newsletter, and of course the website for information, updates, and tools.

With affordable membership options Livery Yards can chose between being certified or approved.

To find out more about becoming an ABRS Livery Yard member go to: abrs-info.org/join-the-abrs-livery-yards.


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