Fundacio Privada La Granja De Sitges:

The purpose of Fundació La Granja is to provide a safe, relaxed and fun environment for humans and animals to interact; to allow for these interactions to form and grow independently but to guide and assist where necessary to help form lasting bonds and memories.
Whilst Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding are our core offers, we offer a range of activities, all related to the world of animals and especially horses.
All non-therapeutic offers help us fund the therapeutic ones, so as to make the Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Riding available to as many people as possible.
We believe that humans and animals alike benefit greatly from the relationships built here and we strive to educate on animals’ needs and rights, on equality for all humans and for a place, where dreams can be lived.
We are approved by the Association of British Riding Schools (ABRS) and the Federació Catalana D’Hípica (FCH).
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